


  • MAT CLASSES -  Limited to 14 participants. Mats are well spaced.  Clients are required to bring their own mats and small equipment.
  • ZOOM CLASSES -  Private and bespoke Group Zoom sessions by arrangement.  Zoom Classes are not running at the moment.
  • ONLINE VIDEOS - If you want to sample the class style before you sign up, why not try the Online videos .  They are available at a cost of £10 per calendar month or 4 months for £25.  For information https://www.surreypilates.co.uk/online-videos-info/
  • ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS COURSE  -  The next beginners course will be in the Summer Term 2022. If  interested please email imogen@surreypilates.co.uk
  • ONLINE BEGINNERS VIDEO COURSE available. Price £25  See under the Online Beginners Course page. For information about the course  https://www.surreypilates.co.uk/online-beginners-course/information-and-booking/
  • 1:1 PRIVATE TUITION £50 per hour.
  • MAT CLASSES IN TIERS 2, 3 & 4  -

    In Tiers 3 and 4, Pilates Mat classes at Bourne Hall are not permitted.  In Tier 2, classes can resume. Bourne Hall has worked with us to provide a spacious environment, well ventilated and with access from the car park. We wear masks to the mat, hand sanitize and keep our 2m apart.  It still feels like a community.  I am very proud to have been able to offer classes to allow such a safe environment. Classes will resume as soon as allowed.
    It is thanks to the commitment of so many loyal clients that the full mat class timetable will be able to resume without delay as soon as we are in Tier 2.  There are a few spaces in some classes, if you want to be on the mailing list for information about classes re-opening please email imogen@surreypilates.co.uk

  • ZOOM CLASSES - From January 2021, a weekly Zoom timetable will run in place of mat classes.  Tuesday at 6 pm is a permanent Zoom class and bookable in advance.  Zoom can be bespoke too, it works very well 1:1 and in small groups.   https://www.surreypilates.co.uk/zoom-class/
  • ONLINE VIDEOS - If you want to keep practising, you can sign up for a selection of videos (over 60). They are available at a cost of £10 per calendar month or 4 months for £25.  For information https://www.surreypilates.co.uk/online-videos-info/
  • ONLINE BEGINNERS VIDEO COURSE available. Price £25  See under the Online Beginners Course page. For information about the course  https://www.surreypilates.co.uk/online-beginners-course/information-and-booking/
  • 1:1 PRIVATE TUITION Available in Tier 3 and via Zoom.