

I started making Pilates videos In March 2020 at the beginning of the National Coronavirus lockdown and I was unable to teach the last 2 weeks of the term.  I worked constantly making videos and putting them on my website.  My clients were wonderful, my videos were watched with enthusiasm and received high praise. It was so uplifting at such a difficult time. Despite my hard work, I couldn’t have done it without the help of Sam, who is my IT support and absolute right-hand man.

At the end of the month, I received lots of emails asking for continued access to the videos.  In summary, my videos have become part of my teaching!  I currently have 59 videos on my website and now just add 1 or 2 a month. The videos vary in length and have been divided into categories. It’s a great way to do some extra Pilates practise without having to work out your own routine.

If you want to access my online Videos please complete the Video Subscription Form.  You can sign up for 1 Month or for a much better deal sign up for 4 Months.  If you would like to subscribe, please find the link to request a subscription.
